Sunday, February 21, 2010

Man has court date on rape charges
The article is about a man that has kept a 13 year old girl locked in his house for the last 6 months. The police had been searching for the girl. However this is not a cut and dry case because there is a friend of the defendant that is saying he was simply helping the runaway girl. No one knows for sure if the sex was consentually, although still illegal, she may have been in a relationship with the man.I find this repulsing that a full grown man would keep a 13 year old girl locked in his basement for his own sexual pleasure.
I think there should be a more severe punishment for people like this than people that even murder people. Not only did this girl have to deal with the physical abuse at the time of the incident but will for the rest of her life be forced to deal with the past. Is this consentual? I do not think that at any point a full grown man should be allowed to have sex with a girl that is 13 years of age. No matter if the parents agree to it, that simply means that those parents should be inspected by a child endangerment agency of some sort. If the parents did in fact know of the whereabouts of their daughter why would they lie to the police and if they did they should be locked up for a long time.

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