Sunday, February 21, 2010

Two arrested in connection with Texas church fires

The article is about a couple of men that were caught and were being accused of starting the fire of a church in Texas. Officials did not think that this was the only incedent that the vandals were involved in. They are believed to have started 9 of the fires in churches around the area in the days leading up to their arrest. The officials have yet to identify a motive to their crimes. The fire starting duo was caught by the finding of DNA.

My initial reaction is bewilderment. Why in their right minds would anyone want to set fire to a church? I have heard of serial killers and such but never a serial church fire starter. It seems like a very pointless and disturbing act. I could perhaps see if they were unhappy with a particular churches doings but when it is 10 unrelated churches I begin to think maybe mental problems are coming into play.

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