Wednesday, March 31, 2010

$250 million for abstinence education not evidence-based, groups say

The health care reform legislation that President Obama signed recently isn't only about insurance coverage. There's also a renewal of $50 million per year for five years for abstinence-focused education. The 250 million dollars would go towards abstinence programs in school to prevent people from have sex before marriage. Obama protests that sex before wed-lock can cause negative psychological and physical effects. People are having problems with this part of the health care bill because this 250 million is going to state organizations that have proven to be ineffective. Medical professional organizations also criticize abstinence education on ethical grounds, for leaving out potentially lifesaving information. Abstinence only programs "are inherently coercive by withholding information needed to make informed choices," the American Public Health Association said in a statement.

How do I feel about this? I do not think that the 250 million dollars is being spent wisely. It may be a good in theory but how would anyone actually keep kids in school from having sex. I dont think just because there is more advertising against sex people will just decide to refrain from sex until marriage. With the way that the younger generation is I do not believe any type of exposer to anti sex campaign ads will change anyones point of view. I do not also agree with Obama about the negative effects that sex can have psychologically. The only harm i see in sex before marriage is risk of pregnancy and also std's. The money should be spent on reducing these two things but not sex itself because it will never stop happening.

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