Monday, March 29, 2010

Judge: Boy, 12, will be tried as adult in double homicide

Today in Pennsylvania a 12 year old boy accused of shooting his fathers pregnant girlfriend with a 12-guage shotgun is on trial. The catcher in this case is that the child is being charged as an adult, this is because in Pennsylvania it is manditory for any person over the aged of 10 that has commited either a homicide or a murder to be tried as an adult. He is now facing a maximum of a lifetime sentance. When he commited the murder he was only 11 year old. Also the shotgun that the child used was made for someone of his stature, it is assumed that it was his gun.

This article had me split in my decision to support either the Pennsylvania law and say that he should be tried as an adult and my prayers for the 12 year old kid to be tried as an adolescent. The first part of me wants to think he is so young that he doesnt know anybetter. After all 12 years old it very young. Not even old enough to shave he knowingly commited a murder? However the other half of me is for this law. This child had probably had used the gun before being that it was made for him. This would eleminate all my beliefs of it being an accident. And also being 12 is the legal age to need to be certafide to hunt, he was close enough he should have known what he was doing.

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