Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lady Lupus?

Lady Gaga, the famous music star, has been given test for the disease lupus and recieved the results of borderline positive. Gaga's aunt has died of lupus, which prompted her to get tested herself. Lupus is a highly variable disease, making it extremely difficult to diagnose, especially for doctors that aren't familiar with the disease. Because Gaga doesn't have any symptoms of lupus, her borderline positive result is still negative. If someone were to show symptoms, and have a borderline positive, they would most likely be diagnosed with the disease. Lupus occurs when antibodies that normally fight off infections attack their own bodies tissues instead. Symptoms include swelling, rashes, joint pain, mouth sores, and hair loss. These symptoms, as bad as they sound, are rather minor compared to a more lethal case of lupus. If inflammation hits the kidneys, heart, lungs, or brain, the symptoms' severity increase exponentially.

Just because Lady Gaga is famous I don't know exactly why this story is in the news. the article was simply saying how she may or may not have a disease. What does that mean for the rest of the world? Absolutely nothing, no one cares about Lady Gaga personally. Do I like her music yes, do I care if she may have lupus, No!

Golden Girls is one less now

Emmy winning "Golden Girls" (which happens to be one of my favorite shows) actress Rue McClanahan died of a stroke in a New York hospital Thursday morning. She was 76. She suffered a cerebral hemorrhage last Monday, and was surrounded by family when she died at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. She started working on the New York stage in the 1950s, but her long television career was first boosted when producer Norman Lear cast her in his hit CBS series "All in the Family" in 1971. She appeared in Lear's "Maude" a year later.
Her most memorable TV role was as Southern belle Blanche on the show the Golden Girls, which ran from 1985 through 1992. McClanahan won an Emmy for best lead actress in a comedy in 1987. Last year, McClanahan requested that no funeral be held for her, but memorial services will be announced for later this summer in New York and Los Angeles, California.

When i told my mom she was about tears, she loved McClanahan not only in the show the Golden Girls that she would watch every morning but as an actor in everyone of her pieces. I as well like the show and its a shame that only one of the girls is still alive. I think it will be creepy to watch the show now thinking that they are all dead except for Betty White.

More Problems in the Gulf

British Patrolium, the company at the heart of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, is attempted to divert the leaking oil in the Gulf of Mexico this Wednesday and the attempt was a failure. The tool use to cut the pipe got stuck in the pipe, forcing BP to switch to an alternative cutting device, shears. The second attempt at cutting the pipe was successful, but not precise enough. The rubber seal that is supposed to fit perfectly around the pipe is loose causing the oil to still spill out. President Obama went one on one with CNN's Larry King to talk about the spill. Obama stated that he is "furious at this entire situation", he does not believe they anticipated the consequences of thier actions. Obama pledged to hold BP completely responsible for the oil spill, and hold them accountable for the repair of the pipe, the cleanup of the Gulf waters, and all of the coastline effected by the massive amount of oil they set loose.

With all of the incredibly intelligent people we have in this world it is an incredible shock to me that we cannot come up with the solution to this problem. From a glance the problem seems simple, we have a hole that needs to be plugged! so with all the people we have in this world no one can find a way to plug it? I do realize it is in nearly a mile of water, miles off shore with millions of gallons flowing out but still, i think this lets sit and see what happens idea we currently have going on now isn't helping a thing!! Obama is doing the right thing by holding BP responsible and this will cause them to look a little more into stopping things like this in the future if it is costing them money.

No Need for the Radar Gun

Today congress passed a bill stating that simply an officers estimation of the speed of a driver is enough to write a ticket. An officer can now guess the speed a motorist is moving and immediately write him or her a ticket with no visual proof of their speed. A court case named "City of Barberton vs. Jenney" played the main role in implementing this law. Jenney, the suspect in the case, claimed he wasn't speeding and the officer had no proof of his radar gun certificate. After that, the police officer claimed that he knew for a fact that the driver was speeding due to his many years of experience. The $170.00 fine was issued to Jenny when the court ruled in favor of the police officer.

I find it ridiculous that this law is now in place. Just because it is their job to write tickets and they may get really good at it, they are simply humans and humans make errors in judgement because no one is perfect. I believe this law undoes the clause innocent until proven guilty because now it is only the word of the cop vs. the word of the suspect. This eliminates the need for proof, I think it is going to cause corruption because we are putting too much power in the hands of law enforcement.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fool Me Once Shame on All of US

The main suspect, Jordan van der Sloot was once considered a prime suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. After being arrested three times due to knew evidence connecting van der Sloot to the crime, there wasn't enough evidence to send him to court. However recently, van der Sloot killed another, and he is now the prime suspect in the killing of a women in Peru. The man hunt has began for van der Sloot. Police also have video footage of van der Sloot and Flores at the Atlantic City Casino in Lima. Van der Sloot's attorney says its too early to make any conclusions. If van der Sloot is the man in charge of this murder, he sure likes to find a system and stick to it if it works. If captured for the killing of Flores, authorities say he will be sent back to Peru.

This is simply another case to prove my point stated in other blogs of mine that people that are cereal offenders especially at the violent level will committ more crimes in the future. From every article I have read about in papers involving a murder the killer was found to have a very violent criminal record or has been on trial for a serious crime in the past.More studies should be done on the linking of past criminal records and the chances they will commit again.

Animals Dying Due to Oil Spill

In case you have been in a hole for the last month i will quickly fill you in. In the Gulf of Mexico a BP oil well is pumping millions of gallons of oil into the waters. This article talks about how many different species are being affected by the oil spill. Most of the animals are birds considering they are on the top of the water which means they are directly on the oil. The oil destroys the birds skin and causes their lungs to eventually fail killing them in massive quantites everywhere the oil has reached. However, birds are not the only ones fish, shrimp, oysters, otters, dolphins and even sperm whales are being harmed by the leak. Some species are still recovering from other the hurricane Katrina. Experts say that something drastic needs to happen soon or the wildlife in the Gulf may cease as we know it.

With all of the incredibly intelligent people we have in this world it is an incredible shock to me that we cannot come up with the solution to this problem. From a glance the problem seems simple, we have a hole that needs to be plugged! so with all the people we have in this world no one can find a way to plug it? I do realize it is in nearly a mile of water, miles off shore with millions of gallons flowing out but still, i think this lets sit and see what happens idea we currently have going on now isn't helping a thing!!

Nevada Man Sentenced to Death for Killing Student

Brianna Denison a young student from California was abducted and killed while spending the night with a friend in an apartment in January of 2008. After monthes of searching for clues as to who the killer might be, her case was declared a cold case by the end of the year. Two monthes after the story was featured, a tip emerged and an arrest was made. When the story was featured, police showed a picture of womens underware that was believed to be Denison's and a description of a pickup truck. one of the lead investigators believed it was mainly due to the medias involvement by spreading awareness to the public. The man accused with the crime, James Michael Biela has quite the criminal record, along with being charged with kidnapping, sexually assulting and murdering Denison, he has also been charged with kidnapping and sexually assulting another student in California in December of 2008. Biela could be faced with the death penalty if convicted of murder.

This is the most just punishment for the crime hands down. Any person that has the criminal record of this man should not be trusted. The murder of this poor girl is a shocking eye opening that our punishment system does not do its job. Anyone who has commited the list of crimes this man has should never be released into public again. this is just a reminder of what repeat offenders do. there crimes escalate until this point where a young girls life is taken. Its a shame that this girl died. Also i think the murder of someone younger should carry more severe punishments. This girl had her entire life ahead of her that she will not get to live simply because this man was not punished more severly after his first offences.

Uk Shooting Leaves 12 Dead

Derrik Bird a man from the UK, had gone on a shooting spree in england the other day. This man had injured 25 people and had killed 12 others. During the man hunt they found Bird in the alley shot and dead. When Derrick Birds friend came forward he had said that Bird said "You won't see me again." The shootings spread across 3 english towns. They believe that the body they have found is Derrick Birds.

There was no motive for the shootings that the police had found. I find this incredible someone would go on a shooting spree and then kill himself without leaving a reason to the world. Could it be family troubles? Bird had two sons, each moved away from home and him and his wife were divorced. Seems that all the random killings of innocent people is due to love problems. What makes it worse is that alot of the murderers kill themselves so they don't have to deal with the consequences. In my personal opinion this is the most undeniably selfish thing any person can do. You really need to be sick in the head to be able to kill a bunch of people just to end up killing yourself. I guess if people are going to kill themselves reguardless then there is simply no way to keep people from doing this.