Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nevada Man Sentenced to Death for Killing Student

Brianna Denison a young student from California was abducted and killed while spending the night with a friend in an apartment in January of 2008. After monthes of searching for clues as to who the killer might be, her case was declared a cold case by the end of the year. Two monthes after the story was featured, a tip emerged and an arrest was made. When the story was featured, police showed a picture of womens underware that was believed to be Denison's and a description of a pickup truck. one of the lead investigators believed it was mainly due to the medias involvement by spreading awareness to the public. The man accused with the crime, James Michael Biela has quite the criminal record, along with being charged with kidnapping, sexually assulting and murdering Denison, he has also been charged with kidnapping and sexually assulting another student in California in December of 2008. Biela could be faced with the death penalty if convicted of murder.

This is the most just punishment for the crime hands down. Any person that has the criminal record of this man should not be trusted. The murder of this poor girl is a shocking eye opening that our punishment system does not do its job. Anyone who has commited the list of crimes this man has should never be released into public again. this is just a reminder of what repeat offenders do. there crimes escalate until this point where a young girls life is taken. Its a shame that this girl died. Also i think the murder of someone younger should carry more severe punishments. This girl had her entire life ahead of her that she will not get to live simply because this man was not punished more severly after his first offences.

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