Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Uk Shooting Leaves 12 Dead

Derrik Bird a man from the UK, had gone on a shooting spree in england the other day. This man had injured 25 people and had killed 12 others. During the man hunt they found Bird in the alley shot and dead. When Derrick Birds friend came forward he had said that Bird said "You won't see me again." The shootings spread across 3 english towns. They believe that the body they have found is Derrick Birds.

There was no motive for the shootings that the police had found. I find this incredible someone would go on a shooting spree and then kill himself without leaving a reason to the world. Could it be family troubles? Bird had two sons, each moved away from home and him and his wife were divorced. Seems that all the random killings of innocent people is due to love problems. What makes it worse is that alot of the murderers kill themselves so they don't have to deal with the consequences. In my personal opinion this is the most undeniably selfish thing any person can do. You really need to be sick in the head to be able to kill a bunch of people just to end up killing yourself. I guess if people are going to kill themselves reguardless then there is simply no way to keep people from doing this.

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