Thursday, June 3, 2010

No Need for the Radar Gun

Today congress passed a bill stating that simply an officers estimation of the speed of a driver is enough to write a ticket. An officer can now guess the speed a motorist is moving and immediately write him or her a ticket with no visual proof of their speed. A court case named "City of Barberton vs. Jenney" played the main role in implementing this law. Jenney, the suspect in the case, claimed he wasn't speeding and the officer had no proof of his radar gun certificate. After that, the police officer claimed that he knew for a fact that the driver was speeding due to his many years of experience. The $170.00 fine was issued to Jenny when the court ruled in favor of the police officer.

I find it ridiculous that this law is now in place. Just because it is their job to write tickets and they may get really good at it, they are simply humans and humans make errors in judgement because no one is perfect. I believe this law undoes the clause innocent until proven guilty because now it is only the word of the cop vs. the word of the suspect. This eliminates the need for proof, I think it is going to cause corruption because we are putting too much power in the hands of law enforcement.

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