Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lady Lupus?

Lady Gaga, the famous music star, has been given test for the disease lupus and recieved the results of borderline positive. Gaga's aunt has died of lupus, which prompted her to get tested herself. Lupus is a highly variable disease, making it extremely difficult to diagnose, especially for doctors that aren't familiar with the disease. Because Gaga doesn't have any symptoms of lupus, her borderline positive result is still negative. If someone were to show symptoms, and have a borderline positive, they would most likely be diagnosed with the disease. Lupus occurs when antibodies that normally fight off infections attack their own bodies tissues instead. Symptoms include swelling, rashes, joint pain, mouth sores, and hair loss. These symptoms, as bad as they sound, are rather minor compared to a more lethal case of lupus. If inflammation hits the kidneys, heart, lungs, or brain, the symptoms' severity increase exponentially.

Just because Lady Gaga is famous I don't know exactly why this story is in the news. the article was simply saying how she may or may not have a disease. What does that mean for the rest of the world? Absolutely nothing, no one cares about Lady Gaga personally. Do I like her music yes, do I care if she may have lupus, No!

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