Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Animals Dying Due to Oil Spill

In case you have been in a hole for the last month i will quickly fill you in. In the Gulf of Mexico a BP oil well is pumping millions of gallons of oil into the waters. This article talks about how many different species are being affected by the oil spill. Most of the animals are birds considering they are on the top of the water which means they are directly on the oil. The oil destroys the birds skin and causes their lungs to eventually fail killing them in massive quantites everywhere the oil has reached. However, birds are not the only ones fish, shrimp, oysters, otters, dolphins and even sperm whales are being harmed by the leak. Some species are still recovering from other the hurricane Katrina. Experts say that something drastic needs to happen soon or the wildlife in the Gulf may cease as we know it.

With all of the incredibly intelligent people we have in this world it is an incredible shock to me that we cannot come up with the solution to this problem. From a glance the problem seems simple, we have a hole that needs to be plugged! so with all the people we have in this world no one can find a way to plug it? I do realize it is in nearly a mile of water, miles off shore with millions of gallons flowing out but still, i think this lets sit and see what happens idea we currently have going on now isn't helping a thing!!

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