Thursday, June 3, 2010

More Problems in the Gulf

British Patrolium, the company at the heart of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, is attempted to divert the leaking oil in the Gulf of Mexico this Wednesday and the attempt was a failure. The tool use to cut the pipe got stuck in the pipe, forcing BP to switch to an alternative cutting device, shears. The second attempt at cutting the pipe was successful, but not precise enough. The rubber seal that is supposed to fit perfectly around the pipe is loose causing the oil to still spill out. President Obama went one on one with CNN's Larry King to talk about the spill. Obama stated that he is "furious at this entire situation", he does not believe they anticipated the consequences of thier actions. Obama pledged to hold BP completely responsible for the oil spill, and hold them accountable for the repair of the pipe, the cleanup of the Gulf waters, and all of the coastline effected by the massive amount of oil they set loose.

With all of the incredibly intelligent people we have in this world it is an incredible shock to me that we cannot come up with the solution to this problem. From a glance the problem seems simple, we have a hole that needs to be plugged! so with all the people we have in this world no one can find a way to plug it? I do realize it is in nearly a mile of water, miles off shore with millions of gallons flowing out but still, i think this lets sit and see what happens idea we currently have going on now isn't helping a thing!! Obama is doing the right thing by holding BP responsible and this will cause them to look a little more into stopping things like this in the future if it is costing them money.

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